Rock Island County Illinois Genealogical Society Website Resources

Check out the ‘Genealogy Sources for Rock Island County’ page on our website! It should be your number one stop for information in your family history research!

It provides general information on county research. Topics include birth record indexes, marriage record indexes, death related indexes, cemeteries, county histories, directories and maps, newspapers, court records, and additional resources. It has a wealth of information!

Other great resources to visit on our website:

Obituary Rock Island County newspaper research can be performed on the Obituary Indexes page of our website. You can also find genealogical abstracts from old local newspapers on the Index of Genealogical Abstracts of Rock Island County Newspapers.

Our physical library holdings are indexed on the Library Collection page of our website

Rock Island County cemetery information can be found on the Cemeteries page. Ancestor stories associated with Rock Island County are available on our Family Histories Collection page. There are a few old scanned photo albums available on our Ancestral Photo Collection page.

Even more resources are available to our RICIGS members in the Members-Only area. Want to join our society? Join for the rest of 2021 and all of 2022 for the $20 annual membership.

You get unlimited access to free membership content! This area has content that is available only to paid members. There are birth records, marriage records, death records, cemetery records, newspaper abstracts, court records, county histories and directories under the Members Only area. A Learning Series and presentation handouts, as well as some presentation video recordings, are available in this area for viewing. We also have PDFs of all of our old quarterlies and newsletters. Every year, we are always adding additional materials/content for our members.