Obituary Indexes

Obituary Research

The Rock Island County Illinois Genealogical Society (RICIGS) has compiled indexes of obituaries found in the Rock Island Argus and/or Quad City Times newspapers. The circulation area for both newspapers includes Eastern Iowa, Metro Quad Cities and Western Illinois.

Information on the Obituary Indexes

All dates and spelling of names should be verified by you. An attempt was made to cross reference female names. After marriage some females used their maiden names for a middle name. Be sure to check the variation in the spellings of surnames. Age 2 and under is listed as an Infant. Age 3 – 12 is listed as Child. Name in quotes is a nickname. The author apologizes for errors and omissions in this index.

Column headings are:
Last Name
First Name (Maiden Name)
Date of Death
Date of Obit: Date obituary was printed in the newspaper
Paper: A = Rock Island Argus, T = Quad City Times, A–P = Pending in Argus, T-P = Pending in Quad City Times
AP-TP = Pending in both
AKA (Also Known As): Used for the married name for females when maiden name is in the Surname column. Example: Baker, Etta (Thompson) 2-Jan-2006 4-Jan-2006 A or Thompson, Etta 2-Jan-2006 4-Jan-2006 A Baker

Issues of the Quad City Times may be viewed on microfilm located in Special Collections of the Davenport Public Library, 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA 52801. Issues of the Rock Island Argus may be viewed on microfilm located in Rock Island Main Library, 401 19th Street, Rock Island, Illinois 61201.

Click on an ‘Obituary Index’. To do a “find” on that page, use the browser controls. On a Windows computer, press and hold the ‘Control’ key and then press the ‘F’ key. On a Mac computer, press and hold the ‘Command’ key and then press the ‘F’ key. Type the name in the find field, and the code will be highlighted on the page.

1940s Obituary Index

1960 to 1964 Volume 1: A-D Obituary Index
1960 to 1964 Volume 1: E-J Obituary Index
1960 to 1964 Volume 1: K-Q Obituary Index

1960 to 1964 Volume 1: R-Z Obituary Index

1965 to 1969 Obituary Index

2005-2009 Obituary Index
2010-2014 Obituary Index
2015 Obituary Index
2016 Obituary Index
2017 Obituary Index

To obtain copies of indexed obituaries, the cost is $3 per deceased. You may request an obituary through out Research Assistance form. In the request box, please provide the name of the deceased, date and city of death, date(s) of paper, and paper name.

If you prefer to mail in your request, please send us the name of the deceased, date(s) of paper, and paper code (paper codes that contain a “P” are death notices that list the name, age, residence and place of death in addition to the name of funeral home), along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your payment to:

Rock Island Co. IL Genealogical Society
PO Box 3912
Rock Island, IL 61204-3912

Be sure to include an email address or phone number where we might be able to reach you should we have any questions.