Hampton & Hampton Township Cemeteries in Hampton Township
41 deg 33 min 9 sec N Lat. 90 deg 24 min 22 sec W Long.
Sec 17, Twp 18 N, R 1 E.
Cemeteries are in Hampton, IL just east of 4th St (County Road N) and 6th Ave. They are both north and south of 4th St. Both cemeteries are managed by Hampton Township. They call the cemetery north of 4th St Hampton 1st – 5th Cemetery. It is inactive. They call the cemetery south of 4th St Hampton 6th Cemetery. It is active.
Recorded and transcribed 28 May & 4 Jun 1975. 70 pages. Indexed (Hampton Cemetery 1st-5th Memorial Inscriptions available free to RICIGS Members)(Available for purchase to non-members in our RICIGS Shop)
Hampton Cemetery 1st-5th Additions Map
Hampton Cemetery 6th Addition Map
Hampton Cemetery (Hampton 1st-5th) at:
Hampton Township Cemetery (Hampton 6th) at:
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Arrow Buttons: Click on arrows to move around the map. You may also click-hold and drag on the map to pan.
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