Volume 40 – The Moline Weekly Journal and The Moline Review Dispatch, 1905


Abstracts from the newspapers The Moline Weekly Journal and The Moline Review Dispatch, 1905, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 338 pages.



This download contains abstracts from the newspapers The Moline Weekly Journal and The Moline Review Dispatch, 1905, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 338 pages.

Included in this volume are abstracts of all vital records, visits from out-of-town relatives and former residents of Rock Island County, probate and circuit court listings, real estate transfers, local police court cases and even road work.

From The Moline Review Dispatch, May 5, 1905

Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester McMASTER of 2922 5th Avenue, Rock Island celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday. They were married in the old town of Stephenson on 7 May 1840, in a house just a short distance below the present sight of the Rock Island House. None of those who were guests at the wedding are still living. She was formerly Jannette BROOKS, daughter of William BROOKS who came to Stephenson in the early 1830s. Mr. McMASTER made his home in Galena, Ill. in 1833 and in 1836 he came to Rock Island. In 1841, Mr. and Mrs. McMASTER moved again to Galena but they returned to Rock Island 38 years ago. Mr. McMASTER is aged 94 years and his wife was aged 82 years last January. Mr. McMASTER was born 8 October 1811 in Watertown, New York. He was educated in a log house at Russel, New York, taught school for a time and then came west to St. Louis. When he settled in Rock Island in 1836, he was engaged in business in the old Roessler building still standing which is east of the courthouse. This was the first brick building in Rock Island and was built by Mr. McMASTER and his partner Mr. ANDREW in 1838. From 1841-1866, when they were in Galena, Mr. McMASTER was in the lead and grain business. He served as a conscription officer during the Civil War; he then returned to Rock Island. He has served Rock Island as assessor and on library and school boards. The couple had 3 living children: Mrs. ·Mary BLACKBURN of Harwood, Texas; Mrs. W.G. BANSEMER of Torreon, Mexico; and George W. McMASTER.)

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You can find an index of the volume here.