Volume 4 – Newspaper Abstracts from The Moline Workman, 1854-1855 & The Moline Review Dispatch, 1873-1876


Abstracts from the newspapers The Moline Workman, 1854-1855 and The Moline Review Dispatch, 1873-1876, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 157 pages


This download contains abstracts from the newspapers The Moline Workman, 1854-1855 and The Moline Review Dispatch, 1873-1876, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 157 pages.

Early newspapers give a fascinating view of life in Moline. If you had relatives in the area during this time period, don’t overlook these genealogical abstracts.

From The Moline Workman, September 6, 1854

This issue of the paper contains a list of citizens of Rock Island County who are opposed to slavery.

Free to members (login required): https://ricigs.org/members-only/newspaper-abstracts/

You can find an index of the volume here.