Volume 3 – Newspaper Abstracts from The Moline Review Dispatch, 1889


Abstracts from the newspaper The Moline Review Dispatch, 1889, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 124 pages


This download contains abstracts from the newspaper The Moline Review Dispatch, 1889, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois; 124 pages.

RICIGS member Janet Pease gives this summary of material she abstracted from this newspaper.

  1. deaths
  2. obituaries
  3. probate records
  4. marriage ceremonies
  5. marriage licenses
  6. births
  7. birthday anniversaries
  8. wedding anniversaries
  9. “visits” of relatives to the Moline area
  10. “visits” of Moliners to relatives in other areas
  11. places of residence for former Moliners

From The Moline Review Dispatch, January 25, 1889

Edwin A. Blackman has begun receiving a pension due to his service with Company E, 20th Iowa Infantry.

Free to members (login required): https://ricigs.org/members-only/newspaper-abstracts/

You can find an index of the volume here.