Genealogical Abstracts from Rock Island County Illinois Newspapers Volume 32 – The Port Byron Globe, 1888 – October 1890

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This volume contains items of genealogical interest including: all vital records, visits from out-of-town visitors, legal notices, lists of high school graduates. There is also much material in this volume from Scott County, Iowa.

The Port Bryon Globe, January 27, 1888

LeClaire, Iowa: a family reunion was held at the home of Horatio G. Stone, 4 miles west of town on Sunday. Those attending included the children of Horatio Stone: Andrew Stone and wife of Columbia, Dakota; Perry Stone and wife of McCook, Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy (nee Stone) of LeMars Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. F. Ward (nee Stone) of Grinnell, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone of LeClaire; Clarissa Stone, Effie Stone and Horatio Stone. One daughter, Mrs. J.M. Fry was absent. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have been residents of this township since 1838.

You can find an index of the volume here.