NEW for May 2020
Volume 20 is available Free to members (login required) and is also available for purchase in the RICIGS Shop.
In this volume RICIGS member Janet Pease abstracted all existing newspapers for Rock Island County for the year of 1867. Newspapers frequently published lists of letters being held at the post office. In this volume she included only the first list of letters from each month that appeared in the Rock Island Union.
Rock Island and Moline Daily Union, September 11, 1867
Mr. Jamieson yesterday bought the Pickett property in Moline from George Stephens. Mr. Jamieson intends to use the property as a resident (sic) for his parents, who have just come over from England. They lived in this country for 17 years, but returned to England in 1859. They have now come back to live here permanently.
You can find an index of the volume here.