NEW for February 2020
Volume 14 is available Free to members (login required) and also available for purchase in the RICIGS Shop
This volume by RICIGS member Janet Pease, contains abstracts of news thought to be of genealogical interest including marriage, death, jurors’ lists, and legal notices. Also included are “Lists of Rebel Prisoner Deaths” in the Rock Island Barracks on what is now known as Arsenal Island, the site of a Civil War Rebel Prison.
From Rock Island Union 27 May 1863 and Moline Independent of 5 June 1861
An infant aged about 4 weeks was found on the sidewalk between Moline and the Depot, nearly opposite the residence of J.T. Engdol. The latter adopted the baby since he had no children of his own. A letter found with the infant says that the child was born 1 May 1861 and its name is Matilda Rakes and its mother is dead. The RI UNION of May 27th 1863 adds: Mr. Engdol is a Swede who moved from Moline some time last winter, we think, and went to New York State. The father of the child is said to be very wealthy. The mother is said to have left the city on a steamboat after abandoning the child.
You can find an index of the volume here.