Eagle Scout Project

Toledo Memorial Park is a cemetery in Toledo Ohio. It was founded in 1922 with 54 acres; today it has expanded to 380 acres and crosses the state line into Michigan. Recently a young man named Maxwell Ethington took on a project through Billion Graves to earn the Eagle Scout award. He organized 140 volunteers of family, Scout troop, church youth group and friends to memorialize those buried in this cemetery. Volunteers took photos, clipped grass to make names and dates readable. Volunteers who could not help at the cemetery transcribed the photos on BillionGraves. Maxwell and his volunteers took 9,873 gravestone photos and transcribed 4,091 records.  If you have any scouts in your family, suggest this project for their Eagle Scout project. The full article with photos can be found here https://blog.billiongraves.com/an-awesome-billiongraves-eagle-scout-project/