DNA & Genealogy
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Rice Book Press (2005)
In Collection
Paperback 0-9767160-1-1
DNA & Genealogy is more than a textbook on DNA analysis for genealogy. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced readers will all find this book fascinating. In addition to tutorials on the use of DNA for genealogy, DNA & Genealogy contains many unusual sidelights on "DNA in the News" and "Weird DNA". Do you know that there are people who have more than one DNA profile? Would you like to know about the DNA analysis of the Tyrolean Iceman? What about DNA and Exo-biology? DNA & Genealogy has all of this and much, much more. Books will be autographed upon request. California residents must add $1.78 sales tax for a total of $22.95+1.78 = $24.73.
Product Details
Dewey 616.042 Fit
Cover Price $22.50
No. of Pages 179
Height x Width 8.4 x 6.8  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes
Location RICHS Library
Purchase Date April 2008
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