Category Page DNA Musings

17 posts

DNA Musings no. 26: Using DNA to find Misattributed Parentage in your Genetic Family Tree

By Betty Hagberg. Recent research suggests that it is very likely that everyone having a family tree going back to 3rd great grandparents has at least one case of misattributed parentage in their tree.  A misattributed parent happens when a presumed parent is not the biological parent of an individual […]

DNA Musings no. 25:  AncestryDNA – What’s new 2023?

By Betty Hagberg. AncestryDNA now has 23 million tested people in their database! Although Ancestry’s DNA testers are currently predominantly from the United States, the recent expansion of countries where kits are sold may increase the number of international testers moving forward. Ancestry still has more testers in their database […]

DNA Musings no. 24: Cousins: First, Second, Removed, and Half

By Betty Hagberg. When using DNA in genealogy, it is particularly important to understand the exact genetic relationship you have with your relatives. Cousins ‘First cousins’ share a set of grandparents.  The children of ‘first cousins’ share a set of great grandparents and are ‘second cousins’. First cousins share grandparents. […]