By Linda Bergren Polich.
As genealogists, we each have our family tree information saved in some format … maybe your tree is online on Ancestry, FamilySearch, or MyHeritage. Or your tree may be on your computer using a genealogy software program. And some of us have our tree online AND on our computer.
The latter plan is what is recommended. It is fine to have an online tree, but it is just as important to also have your tree information on your home computer in a genealogy software program. Why? If the online website – Ancestry, FamilySearch, or MyHeritage – happens to be unavailable for maintenance, and you only have your tree information stored there, you do not have access to your tree.
By using a genealogy software program like RootsMagic, Family Tree Maker, Legacy Family Tree, MyHeritage, you will always have your information available so you can continue to update your tree.
How do you decide which software program to use? You need to consider:
· Program Features
· Ease of Use
· Reports and Publishing
· Multimedia Options
· Help Documentation
On May 7th, our Lunch and Learn program (for RICIGS members only) will discuss the topic of Genealogy Software Programs in detail. This is a Zoom meeting from 11:30 to 1:00. Which software program do you prefer? Join us on May 7th to share information and ask questions. Hope to “see” you there!
Happy Researching and Keep Learning!