Support RICIGS

Donate to RICIGS

Support the RICIGS mission – To help preserve and perpetuate ancestral records with the goal to help assist members in genealogical research and educate the community on the importance of Rock Island County history. RICIGS provides educational programming through our monthly speaker presentations, library, publications, workshops, communications, and website resources. These programs require constant investment and updating to offer the most current knowledge as the field of genealogy expands with access to greater information and techniques in the digital age. RICIGS does not conduct frequent appeals for donations but relies on the generosity of members and non-members to contribute as they can afford, to help support the work of RICIGS and allow us to bring you better educational programs.

Please give generously and help RICIGS continue its important work. Thank you for your support!

Support Us

The Rock Island County Illinois Genealogical Society is designated by the IRS as a not-for-profit educational organization as described in section 501(c)(3) under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donations to the society may qualify as deductible for your personal income tax purposes. Thank you for your support!


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