RICIGS Officers and Committees
President: Julie Vogel info@ricigs.org
Vice-President: Sandra Derenbecker
Treasurer: Judi McDowell
Recording Secretary: Sally Bartosh
Corresponding Secretary: open
Member-at-Large 2025: Ann Noyce
Member-at-Large 2026: Pam Lawson
Member-at Large 2027: Deb Van Sant
Committee Chairs
Cemetery Updates: Judi McDowell
Digital Technology: Julie Vogel
Education: Linda Polich, Linda Walker, Mary Karcher, Beth Hoffman, Betty Hagberg
Fundraising: Linda Polich
Funeral Card Indexing: Jan McKenzie
Historian: Judi McDowell
Librarian: Kathy Snyder librarian@ricigs.org
Mailing: open
Publications: Betty Hagberg publications@ricigs.org
Queries & Research: Team Members
Registered Agent: Beth Hoffman
Registrar: Ann Noyce
If you would like to contact any of the RICIGS Officers or Committee Chairs, fill out the contact form to the right and we will forward your message.