Calvary Cemetery in South Rock Island Township
(Old Part)
Inactive / Active Cemetery
Grave spaces are no longer sold. They have not buried anyone for quite a while but would attempt to honor a request if the family produced a deed. The Mausoleum on the east side of the cemetery is active for both sales and entombment.
41 deg 28 min 48 sec N Lat. 90 deg 34 min 31 sec W Long.
North side of 31st Ave about 0.35 east of 12th Street, Rock Island, IL.
Note: the 31st Ave gate is opened about 8 AM and closed about 4:30 PM on weekdays, and is closed on weekends. Access by car is possible by entering through Chippiannock Cemetery.
Date not known of recording and transcription. Alphabetical list of burials. Includes name of lot owner. 67 pages. (Calvary Cemetery – Old Part available free to RICIGS Members) (Available for purchase by non-members as part of South Rock Island Township Cemeteries in our RICIGS Shop)
Active Cemetery
41 deg 28 min 43 sec N Lat. 90 deg 34 min 29 sec W Long.
On the south side of 31st Ave. east of 12th Street Rock Island, IL.
Across 31st Ave. from the Old Calvary Cemetery
Note: Calvary is owned by the local Catholic Diocese but is operated by the staff of Chippiannock Cemetery.
Cemetery Website:
Calvary Cemetery at:
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