Funeral Memorial Cards
Several funeral homes in the Quad-Cities save copies of memorial cards for our Society. RICIGS enters the information from these cards into a spreadsheet that researchers can search to find which funeral home was used for their family member. The actual cards are then filed alphabetically in our collection at the Rock Island County Historical Society Library. Click on the list below to search.
To do a “find” on that page, use the browser controls. On a Windows computer, press and hold the ‘Control’ key and then press the ‘F’ key. On a Mac computer, press and hold the ‘Command’ key and then press the ‘F’ key. Type the name in the find field, and the code will be highlighted on the page.
Funeral Home Memorial Cards List *Updated 9/16/2024
Belgian death memorial cards can be accessed via the Belgian Museum of the Quad-Cities and Center for Belgian Culture of Western Illinois here.