The Port Byron Globe, October 1890-1893
The Port Byron GLOBE was in publication before 1890, but this volume indexes the earliest known copies of that newspaper. The GLOBE regularly carried items from other communities in the upper end of Rock Island County in addition to items from Sharon in Whiteside County, Illinois and from communities across the Mississippi River from Port Byron in the upper end of Scott County, Iowa. The index and abstracts were written by Janet K. Pease.
Following is an example of information you might find:
Wm Ennor, one of the oldest settlers in northwestern Illinois, has returned to his home in Galena after visiting relatives here. He came to Port Byron in search of his grandchildren, George Oliver, Hannah Marie Oliver, and Elizabeth Oliver – children of George and Lucy Oliver whom he had lost track of over 20 years ago. He found them in Rock Island County, within 25 miles of each other and not knowing of any relatives until recently. Mr. Ennor has been a resident of Galena and vicinity for over 50 years. Hannah Marie· Oliver is now Mrs. Grace Leffingwell; she was raised from infancy by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bruner who gave her the name of Grace Bruner, knowingly only that her parental name was Oliver. She was married 2 years ago to L.L. Leffingwell and never knew her identity until a few months ago when she read the wedding announcement of Miss Elizabeth Oliver of Coal Valley. Through her, she learned of the existence of her brother, George Oliver, who lived within 4 miles of her.
Port Byron GLOBE, 15 July 1892
You can find an index of the volume here. The complete volume is the Members Only area you must be a RICIGS member to view.